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  • Writer's pictureBar Komforty

Week 9 - Presenting Our Project

As we approached the final week of the first semester, our team focused on preparing for the final presentation of our project idea to the other groups and mentors.

Throughout the week, we reflected on the entire process we had undergone in developing our idea.

We presented the steps we had taken - from conducting user interviews, to researching relevant studies, to having conversations with experts in the industry. All of these inputs helped shape the direction of our project. During the final presentation, we shared the scenario of how a user would interact with our product and presented an initial design concept.

The feedback we received from mentors and Noa, was incredibly valuable. They provided us with new perspectives and ideas to consider as we move forward with further developing our project.


Now, we are looking forward to continuing to explore, learn, and develop our idea in the next semester.


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