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  • Writer's pictureBar Komforty

Week 4: Refining Focus - Unraveling the Threads of Social Commerce

Updated: Jan 22

During the past week, we defined our persona, it's needs, and context.

Through interviews with experts in the field, influencers, and end users, we focused on the problems and needs that arose, and understood that there are two paths we can take - on one side, the Influencers, and on the other side, end users.

We decided that the pain points from the end users are stronger, and therefore, we want to focus on them.

As a result, we began by defining our persona, focusing on her personality, who she is, her fields of interest, and the context of her use in the subject we are researching. This led us to a persona where the issue of inaccessible coupon codes is relevant to her.

This week we met with Hadas, presented various studies we read and made adjustments. We realized that we should pivot our focus to an adjacent issue that is just as important and affects both the influencers and the consumers and that is reliability.

In addition, we discovered that the influencer economy on the Internet significantly affects the irrational purchasing behavior of consumers, and we realized that there is a new side here that is interesting to explore with a greater emphasis on intelligent consumerism.

All of this led us to formulate the "How might we" question, which is:

How might we help customers make rational purchases on social media?

After defining our persona, her needs, challenges, and the question "How might we," we started working on our presentation that will showcase our domain and the findings that emerged from the interviews and research.

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