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  • Writer's pictureBar Komforty

Week 3: Navigating the Shift: From Consumer Clubs to Influencers

Updated: Jan 22

After a conversation with Noa, we started interviewing consumers and finding problems that exist in the domain of smart consumerism. During the week we met with several consumers who tend to use coupons a lot through various consumer clubs. We found several problems that came up several times and prepared a summary document. We arrived at class and sat with Noa to present the problems. Noa raised the concern that we may not have anything to innovate on this subject and we should think of a different direction. After thinking, we decided to focus on consumerism on social media and especially through influencers. Our direction is to make available the benefits and coupon codes found on social networks that not everyone is aware of. For example, if I don't follow a certain influencer on Instagram, I might miss the coupon and there is no place to gatherer them. In addition, the majority of the male audience does not follow female influencers and is therefore not exposed to these benefits. In the coming week we start interviewing experts in the field (influencers) as well as end consumers to understand what the pain points are for both parties.

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