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  • Writer's pictureBar Komforty

Week 14 - User testing and beginning of final script

This week, we continued to work and update the screens in the application according to the comments we received from Hazi in our meeting, as well as important points that arose from the user tests we conducted.

During the user tests, it was important for us to understand from the users how they feel while using the application. We wanted to ensure that it meets their needs and how we can further improve the process to make it even more accurate and user-friendly.

On top of that, we are excited to share that we have started working on the final video that will showcase our project. We have written a script that effectively describes our application, its purpose, and the three key features that make it stand out.

We will continue to conduct tests with our users to ensure that our application provides the utmost value to them. We are excited about the beginning of the final film process and cannot wait to share the end result with you.

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